Personalize a Marker for a Grave with a Flat Granite Headstone

Choosing a Flat Granite Headstone for a Personalize Marker

When a loved one passes away, there are decisions to make, including choosing a beautiful marker for a grave. Today, there are many choices concerning selecting the memorial stone for a grave, and American Headstones Company strives to make the process easier for its clients. This family-owned business has provided tombstone services since 1983. A Flat granite headstone is extremely popular in the Los Angeles area because the items are affordable and simple to install in local cemeteries, but it is possible to add personalized information to each customized headstone.


Understand the Monument Regulations in a Cemetery

American Headstones is in close contact with the cemeteries in Orange County, and this is important because there are rules concerning the types of tombstones that are placed over a grave. It is essential to have a written list of the current rules in order to understand the type of monument a loved one can have installed in a particular cemetery. Make sure to know the size of the grave in order to choose a marker that fits properly, and a cemetery may also have regulations concerning how the flat granite headstones are made to avoid contaminating the soil.

Selecting Emblems, Words or Photographs

At American Headstones, loved ones can choose from an assortment of flat granite headstones that have different prices. Engravers can embellish a marker with religious emblems, words and photographs. If the deceased was a member of a military organization, then it is possible to use a specialized symbol on the marker. Loved ones can select a recent photograph of the deceased individual, or they might prefer to use an older image of the person as a child or teenager. The photographs for the tombstones are etched with a laser, or loved ones can choose a porcelain image for a marker.

Granite Is Available In Different Colors

Granite is available in several different colors, but talk to a representative first about the colors that are permitted in a cemetery. Loved ones also need to choose a tombstone that has a certain size of edging to make it easier for lawn maintenance crews to mow the grass in the cemetery. The cemetery may require a fee for setting the stone, and a loved one must provide the proper paperwork to ensure that the marker is placed on the correct grave. At American Headstones Company, our representatives also require copies of the paperwork to provide efficient services.

The Author

Josh Rapozo

American Headstone Company is a family business located in southern California. We have been in business since 1983 offering beautiful Granite memorial stones and cast Bronze flat markers and Bronze memorial plates. We are Orange Counties premier supplier of granite markers to the cemetery industry, offering both flat and vertical grave markers. Our expertise is in the custom design of each headstone, cremation marker, pet marker, tombstone, granite memorial plate, flat cemetery markers and stone monuments.