How to Purchase a Headstone with the Experts at American Headstones (949) 228-7055
Purchasing a headstone for a departed loved one can be one of the best ways to keep alive the memory of that person, especially since that headstone becomes a focal point during each visit to the cemetery as a reminder of the person during life. Even better, a customized headstone that includes a photo of your loved one can provide a lasting visual memory that never fades away. An expert company like the American Headstones Company can offer many such custom solutions, including a beautiful porcelain photo of a special friend or relative that will stand up to outdoor conditions indefinitely. For more information on how to purchase a headstone, contact American Headstones directly at (949) 228-7055 and speak with their talented staff.
When Shopping for a Custom Headstone
Shopping for a headstone is likely an activity that most families have not had experience with, so the experts at American Headstones Company offer a few simple tips of advice for shoppers. First and foremost, be sure to have a written copy of all rules and regulations of the cemetery where the loved one will be laid to rest, so that you’re sure of what kind of headstone is allowed. This means knowing the size, the composition, required engravings, restrictions on colors, whether photographs are allowed, and whether any specific kind of marker edge is required.
You should also be aware of whether the plot of interment is a single, a double, or infant-sized, and exactly where in the cemetery the plot is located. Generally only cemetery personnel are allowed to set markers at graves, often because of legal requirements, and you should find out what this ‘setting fee’ is. This usually needs to be paid before the headstone can be delivered and accepted by the cemetery. If any paperwork is necessary before the marker is delivered, this should be taken care of right away, so marker acceptance is not delayed.
Why you Should Contact American Headstones
The death of a loved one is not an easy time for anyone who was close to that person, but a certain degree of satisfaction and solace is derived from continuing the memory of the deceased in the most appealing way possible. To remember your lost family member or friend in just the way that you want to always have that person in mind, a customized headstone is the best approach.
You can select the composition of your preferred headstone, and engrave whatever sentiments best serve to memorialize the departed. Then to create an image that will last for all time, consult with the specialists at American Headstones Company to prepare a porcelain-fired photo on the company premises that will guarantee your loved one is always visualized as they were in life. For all headstone orders or to purchase a headstone, contact American Headstones at (949) 228-7055 and let the experts help you in your time of grief.
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Article written by Josh Rapozo of American Headstones