Bronze Castings and Bronze Cemetery Products

Bronze Marker and Castings

Bronze Niche Markers and Bronze Cemetery Products Bronze cemetery niche plates, date scrolls and ground grave markers are products that American Headstones Company sells and designs. For Bronze niche markers you must check with your cemetery for rules and regulations for your specific grave location. We are a custom design company that will work with […]

Supplying Pure Porcelain Blanks for Headstones

granite markers

Pure Porcelain Cameo Blanks American Headstones Company is the leader in supplying pure porcelain blanks used for firing photos that’s placed on monuments and headstones. These porcelain blanks are the standard in industry. Fired in a kiln and defect free of pits and voids on the surface. This ensures a flat glossy finish for the […]

Innovative Designs for Granite Headstones

Porcelain Photo Granite Headstone

High Quality Granite Headstones Granite Headstones have evolved over the last 10 years with innovative designs, mainly due to the North American Monument Builders Association efforts in educating and promoting business ideas. Almost all suppliers today use high quality granite from overseas suppliers. These flat granite blocks are precision cut to size and surfaces are […]

Granite Markers and Specifications for Los Angeles Cemeteries

specifications granite marker

Specifications for Granite and Bronze Markers American Headstones Company started in the Los Angeles area in 1997. We have worked with families that have buried loved ones in Los Angeles cemeteries such as Little Lake, Rose Hills, Artesia, Holy cross, Mt. Sinai and many other cemeteries thru out the County. All cemeteries require specifications for […]

Trade Agreements and the Financial Impact to the Headstone Industry

granite headstone monument

Trump Trade Agreements and the Financial Impact to the Headstone Industry With the recent Trade agreements being changed by the Trump Administration we will all be hugely impacted from foreign suppliers when importing granite monuments and granite headstones. Most American manufacturers purchase these granite blocks from China. China has exceptional quality and color choices for […]

How to Refresh your Laser Etched Granite Headstone

Headstone Engraving Reink

Care and cleaning of laser photographs and laser art on headstones and monuments is quite easily accomplished with a little elbow grease. The granite marker must first be washed and cleaned using a mild detergent and lots of clean water. Use a soft bristle brush to get out all the mud and dirt that has […]

How to Clean Porcelain Photographs on Headstones

Onsite Engraving Headstone

Families often call wanting to know what to do about their loved ones porcelain picture that faded over the years. In most cases the photo did not fade but a nasty buildup of hard water and calcium film has covered both the porcelain photograph and the granite marker. This due to the water that has […]

Flat Headstone Cemetery Requirements in Los Angeles

Los Angeles City has many cemeteries, these cemeteries all have special requirements for marking graves with flat granite markers or sometimes called a flat headstone. Always call your cemetery for headstone size requirements when marking your loved ones final resting place. Granite headstones are the most common and best prices with lasting durability. We at […]

How to Purchase a Headstone from an Outside Vendor

purchase a headstone

When you purchase a headstone from an outside vendor, someone that is not affiliated with the cemetery. Always ask your cemetery what the setting fees are for placing the monument or flat grave marker on the grave. It is illegal for cemeteries to charge the consumer a different price for setting the marker because they […]

For All Custom Headstones Always Check the Cemetery Specifications


Customers almost always never check what the requirements from the cemetery are for marking their graves. We get numerous requests for custom headstones of all shapes, sizes and material. The cemetery always has the last word when it comes to accepting a gravestone or monument. Customers spend a lot of time and money designing a […]