Setting Porcelain Photographs


How to set a Porcelain Photograph Porcelain photographs have been around for many decades. When visiting old cemeteries around the country many of these portraits have come from Europe. Europeans have long captured their loved ones on porcelain discs and when settling into the Americas they have continued to place these beautiful porcelain portraits on […]

Cemetery Selection

burial options

Cemetery selection is like purchasing a car. There are many options and considerations that the consumer must consider prior to purchasing burial plots. Most cemeteries today are under the corporate umbrella of a major company and sometimes difficult to figure out whom they are. Some Catholic churches are aligned with corporate funeral providers and may […]

Granite Monument Size Matters

headstone manufacturing

With the influx of granite monument suppliers on the internet today the consumer is often fooled into purchasing the incorrect size flat marker. Companies operating outside of your State sometimes do not understand the local cemetery regulations and will sell you a granite headstone that will not be accepted at your local cemetery. Size does […]

Granite Selections

Porcelain Photo Granite Headstone

Selecting the Best Granite Headstone Monument suppliers today are faced with difficult purchasing decisions when trying to satisfy the American Consumer. When asked to supply only granite from American quarries and not foreign, this becomes a difficult task while trying to be cost competitive. In this age of internet shopping the consumer has a large […]

Porcelain Memorials

purchase a headstone

Porcelain memorial photographs Today’s market place offer several choices when selecting your memorial cameo. The industry has traditionally offered pure porcelain base cameos and steel based cameos with a porcelain paint applied to the steel prior to firing. These are the 2 styles that we at Glazed Images have decided to target in our study. […]