Know you made the Right Purchase for your Loved One, Buy at American Headstones

Plauche Headstone

Buyer beware is a saying that really needs to be embedded into your mind when making large purchases on the internet. In regards to the memorial industry things are no different. There has been a large boom in internet based companies selling headstones recently and we would like to inform you the consumer of some […]

Online Specials from American Headstones


New Online Specials Special #1 Farsi Single Marker with Picture Special. 28″x16″x3″ Granite flat ground marker in any color granite we carry! A total of 24” long of Farsi, 1 oval or rectangle color 5×7 porcelain picture, 1 persons full name (in English), full dates (in English), 15 words of endearment (in English) and 1 […]

Porcelain Photo’s for Headstones by American Headstones


Porcelain Photo’s for Headstones Porcelain photos are manufactured by first starting with a pure porcelain blank. Blanks that do not contain steel inserts are favored due to the possibility of microscopic cracks in the glass layer that can become a path for water directly to the steel insert. Corrosion is rapid and will destroy the […]

Internet Headstone Shopping


Shopping for Headstones on the Internet Shopping for granite flat markers, monuments or Bronze markers are almost unlimited on the internet today. There are sites selling almost any granite color And size imaginable. They include attractive pricing, free shipping, unlimited designs and even musical talking lights to keep your loved ones company at night. The […]

Headstones Online and the Influence of the Internet


Working with Cemeteries on Headstone orders With the influx of internet sales of headstones to the public today, there are many choices when purchasing a granite or Bronze grave marker. These choices include material, size, thickness, designs and photographs. Families want to remember their loved ones with these tributes and although loving and thoughtful they […]

Photographs and Art on Granite Headstones


When considering placing and image or photo on a granite headstone, there are many considerations to look at. Each process is different and will impact the final cost of the marker. The industry is moving quickly and very creative when it comes to images. Today’s Photoshop software allows us to create many effects, shading and […]

Commemorating Your Loved One with a Memorial Headstone

slant 14

Memorial headstones give us peace of mind. When we visit the grave site of our loved one we view the headstone as a symbol of remembrance. It reminds us of our loved ones personality, their inspiration and influence on our lives. In many ways the headstones is a comfort to us. Memorial headstones are typically […]

Granite and Bronze Headstone Traditions

Custom Bronze Photo Memorial

Headstones have been used throughout the ages to commemorate our loved ones who have passed away. When we visit their gravesite we view the headstone as a tribute to their memory. The purpose of headstones has evolved over the years. Once used only to identify the deceased with name and date of death and, if […]

The American Headstone Company


Meet the American Headstone Company American Headstone Company located in Dana Point, Ca. Has been servicing the death care industry since 1983. Started in Norwalk, California as American Casket company and Headstone Company we were committed in helping families during their time of need. Our mission was to help families in the difficult decisions they […]

Using Bronze Memorials for Cemetery Marking


How to Use Bronze Memorials for Cemetery Marking Choosing cemetery headstones for your deceased loved one is not an easy thing to do. Many people never think about this until the time has actually come. The following outlines some of the things you should know when choosing bronze memorials that could help you choose the […]