All Souls Cemetery Located in Long Beach California

The Catholic Archdiocese in California has many different churches throughout California. These include some of the following; All Souls Cemetery, Calvary, Holy Cross, Queen of Heaven, San Fernando and Santa Clara Cemeteries. These Catholic churches may have cemetery grounds named after them when in reality they are associated with large private Corporations that run the cemetery grounds under the umbrella of the Catholic church.

All Souls is located in Long Beach ,California and has about 78 acres of property with many options for burials. Whether you choose a mausoleum for above ground burial or a traditional in ground burial you have the option and right to shop outside of the cemetery network for goods and services. The FTC funeral rule provides strict guidelines of your rights. By searching on line you can educate yourself further on your rights as a consumer.

All Souls Mortuary

Headstones whether it be a granite flat marker or a Bronze cast marker can be used in almost all cemeteries. Always check or obtain the headstone rules and regulations from your cemetery if you are not clear on the sizes, colors or materials of the headstone required to mark your gravesite.

Doing your research before you need the services is always recommended. Always ask questions when you are not sure and always be cautious when you are told “it’s the Law” or its “not allowed to shop outside”. Buyer beware!

If you decide to stay within the cemetery shopping list then educate yourself in current prices for a granite headstone or Bronze marker by calling an independent for a quote.

Most independent retailers of Granite headstones are either the manufacturer or have worked as a distributor for that manufacturer. All cemeteries use the same manufacturers as most retailers do. The benefit of working with an independent is his ability to provide design layouts and custom work that a cemetery counselor is not equipped to do within days, they merely take your order and thru many back and forth meetings you generally must settle for less.

We at American Headstones Company do full custom designs, we provide full drawings and approvals before any payment is accepted.

The Author

Josh Rapozo

American Headstone Company is a family business located in southern California. We have been in business since 1983 offering beautiful Granite memorial stones and cast Bronze flat markers and Bronze memorial plates. We are Orange Counties premier supplier of granite markers to the cemetery industry, offering both flat and vertical grave markers. Our expertise is in the custom design of each headstone, cremation marker, pet marker, tombstone, granite memorial plate, flat cemetery markers and stone monuments.