Farsi Language on a Headstone or Monument

We are constantly asked to write foreign characters or poems on a headstone or monument when memorializing a loved ones headstone. This is something which we are capable of doing if the correct file is created in the native language. Today on the internet there are numerous aids in creating this work with the help of the family. We at American Headstones Company have a keyboard specifically for Farsi (Persian). We walk the family through the process and in as little as 1 hour the family can type and save the document for us to manipulate and place in our PLT file for engraving.


Farsi is a very artistic form of writing and creates a beautiful mysterious look on one’s memorial tablet. Families appreciate that we can do this for them and this adds that special touch to the unique Monument that we create alongside the family. This allows the family the feeling of personalization and sets the stone apart from others.

This process involves the family and because we at American Headstones do not speak the language we leave it up to you the creator to do all the proofing needed. Symbols and spacing is done by the creator and once completed we finalize the drawing for your final approval.

If you have a special project that requires FARSI engraving please contact American Headstones Company in Orange County. We would be honored to help you through.


The Author

Josh Rapozo

American Headstone Company is a family business located in southern California. We have been in business since 1983 offering beautiful Granite memorial stones and cast Bronze flat markers and Bronze memorial plates. We are Orange Counties premier supplier of granite markers to the cemetery industry, offering both flat and vertical grave markers. Our expertise is in the custom design of each headstone, cremation marker, pet marker, tombstone, granite memorial plate, flat cemetery markers and stone monuments.